European Journal of Neuro-Endocrinology Article, Jan 2006 THE COST OF MEDICAL CARE FOR THE ACROMEGALIC PATIENT
by Robert Knutzen, CEO PNA and Shereen Ezzat, M.D.
The subject of health care costs for patients with acromegaly is a difficult puzzle to solve. This is mostly because the disease has no clear limits with many permutations related to its complications. Thus, we feel obligated to emphasize at the outset that patients with acromegaly do not simply suffer from a tumorous disorder. They sustain a disorder characterized by insidious, seemingly "unrelated" symptoms and complaints, overlaid with severe hidden complications before the true diagnosis is established. Up until now, there has been no consensus on a standardized scientific approach to calculate the economic burden of the disease and all of its complications.
The Cost of Medical Care for the Acromegalic Patient - read article